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Audios by Brian Kelson
Thank you for listening. Please maintain the Berean spirit and search the Scriptures daily to see if these things are so.
Most of these were recorded via paltalk chat rooms and the audio quality is less than perfect. I can only wish it wasn’t so. 
I believe my ministry includes the exposure of the Mid-Acts confusion brought about by those brethren who claim to rightly divide but fail in the execution of that Bible study principle. Many of these audios will help Mid-Acts brethren who are struggling with the contradictions Mid-Acts creates by mixing Paul’s Acts period ministry with his post Acts ministry.
The Mystery of Ephesians and Colossians was not revealed in a gradual manner starting at either Acts 7, 9 or 13. Justification by grace through faith is not the cornerstone of The Mystery of Ephesians and Colossians, it belongs in promise and prophesy, and is as much an essential element of redemption for those believers of the Acts period and before, as well as for us today. Justification is a continuing truth, whereas, the dispensational features for all believers up until Acts 28 ceased when Israel was nationally placed aside at Acts 28. Galatians and Romans, written before Acts 28, feature the great truth of justification by grace through faith, but Paul and all believers he wrote to, were to be blessed with faithful Abraham, would judge the world and Angels, and had their inheritance in the Promised Land and eventually the New Jerusalem which was the mother of them all. This is not about us today.
The new dispensational features that are about us today can only be found in those post Acts letters of Paul (compare Paul’s two groups of letters). Today, we are not Abraham’s seed in Christ, but members of a heavenly calling which goes back before the foundation of the world. We have blessings in the heavenly places; blessings not found in promise or prophesy, and we are not waiting for “the rapture”, but the Appearing of Christ which is completely different.
It is my prayer that these audios will assist many to rightly divide Paul and find the liberty and joy of the Acts 28 boundary.


1Cor.5:5 The judgments of Acts
Part A    Part B    Part C (the destruction of the flesh)

1 Corinthians 12
Part A     Part B    Part C    Part D    Part E    Part F    Part G    Part H    Part I    Part J    Part K    Part L
Part M    Part N    
Paltalk Intro to

1 Corinthians 13:8-13
Part A    Part B    Part C

Peter, things hard to be understood does not refer to The Mystery
2 Peter 3:15-16    Part A    Part B    Peter says Paul Wrote to you (dispersed Israelis)

Ephesians, the time frames.
Part A

Acts 1:6, Exodus 19 and 1 Thessalonians 4
Part A    Part B    Part C    Part D    Part E    Part F   Part G    Part H    Part I    Part J    Part K    Part L
These charts might be helpful as you listen;   Chart 01    Chart 02    Chart 03

Acts 2 and 13 comparisons and compatibilities. Peter and Paul using the same O.T. Scriptures
Part A    Part B    Part C    Part D    Part E    Part F

Acts 28
Part A    Part B    Part C    Part D       Acts 28    Acts 28 (again)
Check out these as well    Chart 01    Chart 02    Tract 01

Acts is not a transition period, is not a progressive revelation of The Mystery to Paul
Part A    Part B    Part C    Part D    Part E    Part F

Acts, its hope and interruption
Part A    Part B

Gentiles, their salvation during the Acts period.
Part A    Part B
Included in a written version here.

Isaiah 6
Part A    Part B

2 Timothy 3, prophesy and warnings
Part A

The Church
Part A    Part B    Part C    Part D

Part A    Part B    Part C    Part D
Chart 01    Chart 02

Old Covenant in Peter and Paul’s Gospel
Part A    Part B    Part C    Part D   Part E

Ephesians, the differences.
Part A    Part B    Part C    Part D    Part E    Part F

Paul’s Gospels

Part A    Part B    Part C    Part D
Found in Genesis
Part A    Part B

Justification by grace through faith not a beginning
Parts A, B and G are corrupted, will work on these sometime soon.
Part A    Part B    Part C    Part D    Part E    Part F    Part G    Part H    Part I

The Lord’s Supper
Part A    Part B    Part C    Part D
Extract from the Berean Expositor

Paul’s Conversion
Part A    Part B    Part C    Part D

Peter and Paul
Part A    Part B    

Resurrection of Christ
Part A    Part B

Fulness of the Gentiles
Part A    Part B

Deuteronomy, Acts and Romans
Part A    Part B    Part C    Part D   Part E    Part F

1 Corinthians 2:7  a mystery, the hidden wisdom of God
Part A    Part B    Part C
Written version

Paul did not blaspheme the Holy Spirit
Part A    Part B    Part C 

Paul’s Acts period Letters
Part A    Part B
Chart    written version


Philippians and 2 Timothy, prize, crown and out resurrection
Part A    Part B    Part C    Part D    Part E    Part F  
Part G    Part H    Part I
Chart 01    Chart 02    Chart 03    Chart 04

Part A    Part B    Part C

Thessalonians, dispensational settings
Part A   Part B   Part C    Part D    Part E    Part F    Part G    Part H    Part I    Part J
Thessalonians, wrath to the uttermost
Part A    Part B
Written version

Part A    Part B

Part A    Part B    Part C    Part D    Part E    Part F    Part G    Part H    Part I    Part J    Part K
Written version
Placing, or even imagining any hope other than Zion in Romans is adding to the Word to suit a pre-supposed position

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