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Paul's letters either side of Acts 28

Same cross, different purposes either side of Acts 28

ROMANS Structure (mystery of 16:25)

O.T. in Peter, Paul and Hebrews to Acts 28


Paul Acts 9, Acts 13, Acts 28 and After Acts 28

Joel, link to complete pdf

The Mystery of Christ & The Mystery

Same cross, different purposes either side of Acts 28

ROMANS Structure (mystery of 16:25)

The Mystery of Christ & The Mystery 2

The Mystery of Christ before and after Acts 28

Corinthians v Ephesians

Joel, link to complete pdf

Potential time, Egypt to Promised Land

Actual time estimate, Egypt to Promised Land

"Rapture" in the O.T. defines 1Thess.4

The hope to Acts 28, our dispensation hid in God

Acts hope postponed, our calling revealed

Return of Christ, 3 stages, 3 churches

Israel's O.T. typical festive deliverance paralleled with the unfolding N.T. fulfillment. To Acts 28 the purposes are earthly, the present dispensation hidden

Israel's O.T. typical festive deliverance paralleled with the N.T. fulfillment to Acts 28, but interrupted/postponed. The present dispensation, previously hid in God, revealed to Paul after Israel set aside at Acts 28

The charts in The Appearing book as one pdf

Other miscellaneous charts and structures below

Ephesians & Colossians cp

Romans 3, 9-11 structure

Romans 11:11-36 structure

Post Acts prison letters of Paul

Acts 13 Structure

Colossians 1:24-29 structure

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