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Acts 28 Tract
This shows Acts 28 as the great divide between God’s purposes for the earth and the purpose for heavenly places.

Bottle Brush
This is the same
Acts 28 tract
but in a booklet form

These pdfs are easily emailed to friends or printed and hand distributed.

Roadside Stand
not forsaking the assembling of ourselves” is not about “church” attendance. Scripture out of context can be made to mean anything.

To Bryce Canyon
Wrath to the Uttermost. When Paul wrote 1Thess.2:16, he was not suggesting Israel had already been cast aside and the church revealed.

Jima Valley
Christians possessions in Christ.
This is a simple presentation of the wonderful results of faith into Christ, God’s only begotten Son, our Saviour and Lord.

Carlos Maldonado
The two churches
must be kept separate. Malachi and Matthew are identical but Ephesians and Malachi are dispensationally exclusive.

Blue Mountains
was basically a tax that Israel was obliged to give. Tithing is not an order for the church which is His Body.

Las Cajas, Ecuador
The Mystery,
a dispensational truth lost for centuries, but unearthed slowly since the reformation. The Mystery is not Christ’s death burial and resurrection.

QLD, Australia
What happened
to Israel
? (70 weeks)
They were set aside at Acts 28 and became lo-ammi. God’s purposes for Israel will resume sometime in the future.

Weeping Rock
Bible Study Rules. There are rules which must be used when studying God’s Word. Because these are ignored, there is confusion and conflict.

South Coast
NSW, Aust.
The Mystery of Romans 16
is not The Mystery of Ephesians

They are completely different mysteries.
This is a fuller exposition.

Clermont, USA
What is a Christian? Stuart Allen from the Berean Publishing Trust presents a Scriptural answer. A tract helpful when witnessing to unsaved folks.

Acts 2 is not the birthday of the church. It is a feast given to Israel that was fulfilled for and about Israel. Not only so, there were no Gentiles present at Pentecost.

Warners Bay
Our Lord Christ died at Passover, and his blood ratified the New Covenant, but
we are not New Covenant Christians today.

near Sigchos
The Great Commission.
Is this a command for believers today? If it is why do most remain in the land of their nativity?

Romans is the gospel of the Kingdom. Romans is not about our calling today, Romans is Zion, promise and prophecy. 

Ecuador Orchid
The imminent return of Christ to the earth is a constant in the Gospels and Acts but not after Acts 28.
God’s timing before Acts 28 was conditional.

Butterfly Farm
1Cor.2:7, the wisdom of God in a mystery,
is not the beginning of or even The Mystery of Ephesians and Colossians.

Snow Canyon
Deuteronomy and Romans have much in common.
Romans is the promise made to Israel’s fathers and has 190 plus O.T. quotes. 

The dispensational differences between Romans and Ephesians
are monumental. Ignoring them is not right division.

Sao Paulo
That Paul preached to Gentiles during Acts
does not mean the church was being revealed. The differences in Paul declare Acts 28.

More questions about Acts 10-11. Why did Peter need a vision to speak to a Gentile? Why did those at Jerusalem contend with him?

St Johns
Mt Vincent Aust.
Water baptism, its dispensational setting.
Many claim it is obedience, but it does not fit in our present calling given after Acts 28.

Clermont, FL
Was Paul first in the body of Christ?
This question is based upon an incorrect foundation, that Paul received this truth during Acts, but we consider it anyway.

Blue Birchen Maran
The dispensational differences in Paul.
The dispensational truths for today are not found in Roms., Cor., Gal., Thess..  They are in those letters written after Acts 28.


Bad Parachute
Plunging headlong into deeper confusion
If we take things belonging to Israel and twist them to mean the church, we have jumped with a bad ‘chute


ice truck

Ice truck-RAASC
There are bad consequences if we fail to compare the differences in God’s Word. Many see the differences in Paul’s writings, can you?


Sea Lion
San Simeon CA
Must we observe the Sabbath and the other Jewish holy days? NO!
The Messianic; Torah observant believers create confusion.
Reward endangered!

in a milk bottle

The Lord ministered to Israel in the Gospels (and Acts). Thus thewords of the Lord need to be very carefully considered.

Los Captinanes, El Valle

2 Peter 3:15-16
Is Peter writing that The Mystery
is”hard to be understood”?
Was he a slow learner?
But, what is the context of 2 Peter 3?

Is 1 Corinthians 12 The Church,
His Body?
Which body in Romans,
Corinthians & Galatians?
And another look.


Newcastle Fair
Peter & Paul use Hosea during Acts. How then are those readers in different companies? Kingdom/body saints? A Mid-Acts nonsense.

Japanese Tea Gardens
San Francisco
The creation of 2Cor.5 and Gals.6 is not the one new man of Ephesians 2. The contexts are mutually exclusive


Moses preached Paul’s Acts Gospel
Paul’s Acts period Gospel was none other things than those which the prophets and Moses did say should come


Isaiah in the N.T.
Isaiah is referenced
often in the
Gospels and Acts.
Isaiah & Paul
to Acts 28, are
about Israel,
not The Mystery


Romans is the Exodus
At Kadesh-Barnea Israel failed but the
Lord made a pledge.
This pledge can be found in Romans
Romans is Israel, nothing hid in God.

Watching for mice
Clermont Florida
Paul’s hope during acts was
promise and prophesy,
the wolf, leopard, lion, bear,
ox, and asp


Romans thru Philemon
right division tragedy
Paul in and after Acts
given his gospel by revelation
but they are not the same dispensationally


Coming soon


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