The Videos available here were recorded years ago.
Available on YouTube here
Charts: Acts 28 structure original
Charts: Acts 28 structure current
Available on YouTube here
Charts: Acts 28 structure original
Charts: Acts 28 structure current current 2
Available on YouTube here
Charts: Acts 28 structure original
Charts: Acts 28 structure current
Available on YouTube here
Charts: Acts 28 structure original
Charts: Acts 28 structure current
Available on YouTube here
Charts: Acts 28 structure original Paul’s ministry original
Charts: Acts 28 structure current Paul’s ministry current
Available on YouTube here
Charts: Acts 28 structure original
Charts: Acts 28 structure current
Available on YouTube here
Charts: Acts 28 structure original
Charts: Acts 28 structure current
Available on YouTube here
Charts: Acts 28 structure original
Charts: Acts 28 structure current
Available on YouTube here
Charts: Acts 28 structure original
Charts: Acts 28 structure current
Available on YouTube here
Charts: Acts 28 structure original
Charts: Acts 28 structure current
Available on YouTube here
Charts: Acts 28 structure original
Charts: Acts 28 structure current
Available on YouTube here
Charts: Acts 28 structure original
Charts: Acts 28 structure current
Available on YouTube here
Charts: Acts 28 structure original
Charts: Acts 28 structure current
Available on YouTube here
Charts: Acts 28 structure original
Charts: Acts 28 structure current
Available on YouTube here
Charts: Acts 28 structure original Feasts original
Charts: Acts 28 structure current Feasts current
Available on YouTube here
Charts: Feasts original Paul’s ministry original
Charts: Feasts current
Available on YouTube here
Charts: Feasts original Feasts Egypt to Promised Land original
Charts: Feasts current Feasts Egypt to Promised Land current
Available on YouTube here
Charts: Feasts Egypt to Promised Land original
Charts: Feasts Egypt to Promised Land current
Charts: Feasts Egypt to Promised Land original
Charts: Feasts Egypt to Promised Land current
Charts: Feasts Egypt to Promised Land original
Charts: Feasts Egypt to Promised Land current
Charts: Feasts Egypt to Promised Land with interruption original
Charts: Feasts Egypt to Promised Land with interruption current
Charts: Feasts Egypt to Promised Land original
Charts: Feasts Egypt to Promised Land current
Charts: Feasts Egypt to Promised Land with interruption original
Charts: Feasts Egypt to Promised Land with interruption current
Available on YouTube here
Charts: Feasts Egypt to Promised Land original Feasts Egypt to Paradise original
Charts: Feasts Egypt to Promised Land current Feasts Egypt to Paradise current
Charts: Feasts Egypt to Paradise with Acts 28 interruption original
Charts: Feasts Egypt to Paradise with Acts 28 interruption current
Charts: Feasts Egypt to Promised Land original Feasts Egypt to Paradise original
Charts: Feasts Egypt to Promised Land current Feasts Egypt to Paradise current
Charts: Feasts Egypt to Paradise with Acts 28 interruption original
Charts: Feasts Egypt to Paradise with Acts 28 interruption current
Charts: Feasts to Paradise with Coming original
Charts: Feasts to Paradise with Coming current
Charts: Feasts to Paradise with Coming original
Charts: Feasts to Paradise with Coming current
Available on YouTube here
Charts: Genesis original Feasts to Paradise OT with Coming original
Charts; Feasts to Paradise OT Pentecost original Revelation original
Charts: Feasts to Paradise OT with coming showing interruptions original
Charts: Feasts to Paradise OT Pentecost showing first interruption original
Charts: Feasts to Paradise OT Pentecost showing second interruption original
Charts: Feasts Egypt to Promised Land with interruption current
Charts: Feasts Egypt to Promised Land, what could have been current
Charts: Feasts. NT parallel, Passover to Trumpets, what could have been current
Charts: Feasts, NT parallel, Passover to Trumpets
Charts: with our present calling, a parenthesis current
Charts: Feasts, OT & NT parallels showing the OT and NT postponements current
Charts: Feasts, OT & NT parallels showing the present dispensation,
Charts: a parenthesis between Acts 28 and Trumpets current