Study To Show Ourselves Approved - Phils.1:9-10, 2 Tim.2:15, 2 Tim.3:16

Why Paul?

Because it pleased God to use Paul and Paul alone as the human agent through whom He would proclaim and reveal the present administration of the grace of God. “This grace is given to me (who am less than the least of all saints) to preach the gospel of the unsearchable riches of Christ among the nations, and to bring to light what is the fellowship (dispensation some versions) of the mystery which from eternity has been hidden in God…Read More »

Acts 28

The Bible is a book of redemption. It unveils God’s plans to remove sin and death and the enemy who facilitated its introduction. But it also reveals different purposes for different called out companies of God’s redeemed and these differences we must seek and keep separate. Just because the Bible is full of salvation through the shed blood, does not mean all featured within its pages are going to heaven; not all the Bible is about us …Read More »

The Rapture - don’t get caught up.

When we hold a hope put aside and consequently not the current one, we promote confusion and doubt. Not only so, the rapture theories of today are a far cry from the actual events described in 1Thess.4. Thessalonians describes the return of Christ to the earth; it does not describe the snatching away of Christians into heaven. Tradition is awry on two counts, it promotes a hope put aside and it can’t get the facts …Read More »

Acts 28 is the Answer

The Appearing of Christ; the traditional “rapture” exposed.

The Appearing of Christ; the traditional “rapture” exposed.

Is it TO us today?

This easy read is a great way to start. Is everything in God’s Word “about” us today? All Scripture is “for” us, but what parts are “about” us?

Why Paul?

Why do we promote the Apostle Paul? Are we placing him above our Lord and Savior? No! Paul was given a special ministry critical for us today.

The Kingdom

The Kingdom of God In Heaven and On Earth. Christ will head up the things on Earth and the things in Heaven. The two divine purposes are outlined here.
Many Bible believers have asked the question “just what exactly is The Mystery of Ephesians and Colossians?”
One of the most fruitful causes of misunderstanding of the Scriptures is the failure ‘rightly to divide the Word of truth’.
All God’s Words are pure (Ps.12:6), inspired, (2Tim.3:16). However, not all the New Testament is about us.
Paul is the only one called the Apostle of the Gentiles or Nations, his words are the Words of Christ to us.

My videos are here, including the latest on Paul’s O.T. conversion


The Mystery

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Right Division

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Dispensational Truth

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The Letters of Paul

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