Many Bible believers have asked the question “just what exactly is The Mystery of Ephesians and Colossians?”
Acts 28 is the Answer
I was recently speaking with a Christian friend of mine… and I told him that .. a vast majority (if not all) the problems plaguing the modern church can be…..Read more.
For 15 years I had been in a very close-knit assembly with teachers that wrote studies that were so comprehensive… I began thinking according to their own interpretation of the scriptures. Read more.
I had just retired and was looking forward to learning more Mid Acts doctrine, but a thorny issue appeared, however, was the “mystery” Paul writes of in his letters really ‘unsearchable’? Read more.
Six months ago, my good friend wanted to ask me a question. He would ask me questions to stir up my understanding, but this time I was afraid his question was one i didn’t want to hear. Read more
I heard a teaching about grace one time, and it made a big difference to me. “Experiencing the grace of God in a deeper way happens by learning about pure grace…no works,…Read more.
As I was growing up in the faith I began studying with the mid-Acts group. Regarding the blessings in the Acts period, I found I had many questions that were not answered….. Read More.
the JUST shall live by faith is not the dispensational building block of The Mystery
the diminishing of Israel is not the dismissal of Israel - a contextual consideration
Is it TO us today?
This easy read is a great way to start. Is everything in God’s Word “about” us today? All Scripture is “for” us, but what parts are “about” us?
Why Paul?
Why do we promote the Apostle Paul? Are we placing him above our Lord and Savior? No! Paul was given a special ministry critical for us today.
The Kingdom
The Kingdom of God In Heaven and On Earth. Christ will head up the things on Earth and the things in Heaven. The two divine purposes are outlined here.
Right Division
One of the most fruitful causes of misunderstanding of the Scriptures is the failure ‘rightly to divide the Word of truth’
Dispensational Truth
All God’s Words are pure (Ps.12:6), inspired, (2Tim.3:16). However, not all the New Testament is about us.
The Letters of Paul
Paul is the only one called the Apostle of the Gentiles or Nations, his words are the Words of Christ to us.
incomplete Appearing updating edition
Christianity, a dispensational disaster
more denominations than years from Christ, not a noteworthy accomplishment
Acts 28 clears the confusion of divided Christianity